Sunday, August 3, 2014

Some Steed Family Updates

This weekend marks 2 weeks that we've lived in Dayton, and we are relishing in the family time together! Here's a recap of what we've been up to lately:

  • We have been trying to establish good routines for the time being, for both Drake and I and the kids -- so we're working on exciting things like routine bedtimes, establishing our family's daily mass time, exercise for Drake and I (besides child-chasing), and a general schedule for caring for our home, time for school, community events, etc.
  • Speaking of exercise, we joined the Y again and hope to get in on some open gym time for Drake, group fitness classes for me, and swimming for the kids. Our goal is to be doing one sport at a time, so we'll focus on some family swim times in the fall and take swim lessons in the winter once soccer is over.
  • Speaking of soccer...we joined a homeschool soccer league that gets all the families together on Friday nights for practice and then scrimmages. Drake will be helping coach the younger kids with the hopes that he can be one of Thomas and Maria's coaches. We're really looking forward to this, even if it makes for a guaranteed late night for all members of the Stable. The little Steeds have yet to fully grasp the foreign concept of...what is that called again? Ah yes...sleeping in.
  • Drake and I were really spoiled in Lombard as we enjoyed date nights out almost every week during the last academic year. It was fantastic! As we continue to meet families here (specifically families with older children), we hope to get some date nights out on the books. But in the meantime, we've enjoyed a date night in or two. My parents sent us gift cards to two local places, including Piada. We had that for dinner on Friday, and I cannot remember the last time my mouth was watering through an entire meal. Thanks again, Mom and Dad!
  • This week we'll be starting VBS at our parish - I'm pumped! I love the family-style nature of it as Maria and Thomas will be in the same group, and I'll be volunteering to help babysit the other children (along with sweet Dominic, of course). Many of our friends will be doing this all week, and there's a big party on Friday to celebrate. Bonus!
  • Drake is getting ready for internship which starts next week. While the time off has been nice, it's also a lot of time to anticipate a new and rigorous job.
  • We're also hoping to use this week for continuing to unpack those last few pesky boxes (you know, the ones that we've managed to survive this long without even knowing what's inside and could probably just donate the items sight unseen...those boxes).
I do hope to incorporate more photos on this blog. I've never been good at taking photos as I'm usually just immersed in whatever is going on...but I'll work on it, I promise! 


  1. We are busy, even though there is not a lot on our schedule. It's been so nice to have so much time together!

  2. Sounds like you are settling in nicely. Who can ask for more?
